Modern dentures are incredibly realistic and stable, but after living with them for long enough, it’s common for patients to want something a little bit more. They may want to expand what they’re able to eat, or maybe they’re a little bit tired of having to take their prosthetic out to clean them.
Implant dentures are an excellent way to give your new smile some stability. They provide the coverage of dentures with the strength of dental implants, giving you the best of both worlds. If you’re near Naples, FL, make an appointment here at Mark M. Makram DDS and we’ll be happy to see you for a consultation.
Essentially, implant dentures consist of a series of prosthetic teeth attached to a series of metal rods surgically placed into the jaw. These small “posts,” usually made from titanium, are able to fuse with the jaw and therefore form a strong connection with the jaw.
Attaching a set of dentures to these dental implants creates an incredibly strong connection, one that can afford your prosthetic both realism and durability. Depending on your particular needs, we will recommend one of two kinds of dentures:
Fixed implant dentures are permanently affixed to anywhere from four to six dental implants. Unlike traditional dentures, these do not need to be removed for cleaning; they can be brushed just like natural teeth. This is a major boon for patients, many of whom are a little bit tired of having to take out and care for their dentures frequently. However, forming this permanent connection requires that your jaw be in fairly good health.
Removable implant dentures, on the other hand, are attached a series of 2-4 metal posts via specialized metal clips. This means that they can be removed at any time, allowing them to be cleaned. They also require fewer dental implants than permanent implant dentures, putting much less stress on the patient’s jaw.
As a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Dr. Makram has the expertise necessary to assist you throughout the entire implant denture process, including the surgery. The first step will be your consultation, where he will examine your gums and determine whether implant dentures are the correct option for you. If they are, he’ll take an impression of your gums and use them to design your prosthetic. This will be manufactured in an external lab, and in the meantime, you’ll be scheduled for your surgery.
Dr. Makram will place the metal posts into your jaw. He will make use of anesthetics and sedatives for this procedure, ensuring your complete comfort. After waiting a few months for the implants to fuse completely with the jaw, we’ll give you your permanent prosthetic and send you on your way!
While surgery is often intimidating for patients, it’s worth pointing out that most patients who are in good oral health are candidates for the implant procedures. Provided that your jaw is strong enough to support your dental implants, and that you don’t have any conditions that would impair your healing process, you’ll usually be able to get implant dentures.
That said, we’ll perform a thorough exam before we clear you for the procedure to ensure that your treatment is completely free of any risk.
Implant dentures will usually be a larger initial investment for patients, but will often be a good method of saving money in the long run. This is because implant dentures last for an incredibly long time, much more so than traditional dentures. You can therefore expect to save a lot of money on replacements. Many people also find that implant dentures are easier to clean, which means that you might have fewer expensive oral health problems as a result.
If you’re interested in hearing more about what this variety of dentures can do for you, give us a call and we’ll be happy to bring you in for a consultation.